Up to 9.5% and upto 18.33 million tonnes (MT), the country's coal import increased in the month of September 2017. For the first five consecutive months, the import was expected to fall on year-to-year basis compared to the lack of electricity in some years of power generation.
In September 2017, there was 18.33 MT (Provisional), data from M-junction service compared to 16.73 MT. M-Junction service operates simultaneously and Tata Steel is an online purchase and sales platform.
After the monsoon, demand for coal is being revived according to the online platform as it is coming to the winter, so that the shares have to be increased. Recently, the increase in coal-based power generation in the country has increased the need to increase the demand for coal.
Due to an increase of 1.1 lakh tonnes in non-coking coal imports in September, mainly due to high quantity of coal and coke import (9.6% YOI) in the reporting month. In September 2017, import of non-coking coal was also increased on a month-to-month basis, "said M-junction.
In September, about 18.3 metric tons of coal was imported and 4.1 MT coking coal and 1.4 MT, 12 lakh tonnes of non-coking coal stomach coke. In April 2017, India's coal import was 19.08 MT with a slight decrease in April 2016 compared to 19.03 MT. In May 2016, it was 18.38 metric tons compared to 19.88 million tonnes in May 2017. Imports increased from 21.50 metric tons to 18.22 metric tons compared to a year ago. In July 2016, import of 19.15 million tonnes fell to 14.64 metric tons in July 2017. Coal imports in the same month last year fell 18.80 MT from 19.75 MT in August.
During the year 2016-17, coal imports were down by 6.37% below 191.95 metric tons as the production of Coal India Limited was high and led the country to produce additional coal. In the country, 80% of CIL coal production is available.
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