Alarm from Hellenic Pediatric Society: What vaccine should you save children - 91 Vital


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Saturday, 23 September 2017

Alarm from Hellenic Pediatric Society: What vaccine should you save children

According to the Hellenic Pediatric Society, what should children vaccinate to avoid?

The Hellenic Pediatric Society is worried about the threat of rising cases of measles, once again warning

"Anti-vaccine movement will cause the recurrence of old infections because parents refuse to criticize their children."

As the Greek Pediatric Society points out, there is an outbreak when population vaccination coverage falls below 90% with two doses of vaccine.

"It happens with official data that non-immunizations account for 20%. If they grow, there will be a pandemic of measles and we will mourn the victims."

In a statement, the Greek Pediatric Society says that "if parents" Dr. Google "(unknown and non-responsible information that is broadcast on the Internet by vaccination movement), we will soon be able to re-launch other diseases in our country, have been eliminated, hypocritical, meningitis and Gorge

In the US since the beginning of the year, 6,000 cases of Mars have been reported, 1.5% of which have been attacked by orcheitis. "

It strongly reiterates that "without vaccine safe, effective, side effects and life-saving," parents rely on anonymous internet information and HCDCP, WHO, WHO, UNICEF, Greek pediatrician, CDC, etc.

For measles, the Greek Pediatric Society recommends that:

* Immediate immunization of unwanted people, who have not had any disease, excluding pregnant women and Anatotoga Menon.

* For the vaccination with a second dose, which has already given other doses than pregnant and immunosuppressed.

* For infants, make the first dose of vaccine at 12 months (instead of 16), and get the second dose after 3 months.

* Parents follow the instructions of pediatric on vaccine0

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