Although there are civil conditions, we will not see an armed conflict in Catalonia for one reason alone - 91 Vital


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Saturday, 23 September 2017

Although there are civil conditions, we will not see an armed conflict in Catalonia for one reason alone

After the actual abolition of autonomy of the Madrid government, Catalonia is a provocative booth, who sent Spanish Girnarami and police to capture the Catalan leadership officers and take necessary steps to avoid the October 1 referendum.

By Marinus Gashimis

Catalan authorities came to the public buildings to stop the action by the Spanish authorities. Concern is intense, because on one side or in another, even if no one has moved forward, if a referendum is organized, it can change the map of Western Europe for the first time since World War II Spoke with the director of the International Relations Institute, Constantinos Felice, who said: "It is dangerous, and that's because Katlahan has a very strong element of nationalism." It is clear that this conflict has a historical significance Not so much that has emerged recently, a prehistory is deep. Katlan has his own language, he has his own police, he has a national identity which is different from this Spanish language, And they make it a strong way. So I think there is something right now.

Since Madrid is compelled to take a tough stance, and since the Catalans are also determined to take a tough stance, I fear we may have a particularly fluid situation in Spain next time. "

Regarding the chances that there are, according to analysts and press reports in the international press, that the whole case is in extreme situations, the well-known internationalist said:

"Certainly the phenomena we witnessed with the invasion of the Spanish gendarmerie into the Catalan authorities show that the situation is very tense and the climate, yet I do not believe that in 2017 we can see in a European country, an EU Member State, even if there are civil conditions, to see an armed conflict.

Of course there will be EU intervention, there will be many efforts to calm the spirits. The big question, of course, is where the "golden intersection" will be found - if it is found between the two sides - because at the moment there is a very large deviation in their positions. "

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