Thyroid cancer: Five important things that all of us need to know - 91 Vital


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Friday 22 September 2017

Thyroid cancer: Five important things that all of us need to know

September is the month of sensitivity for thyroid cancer.

Ms. Evangelia Dimanti Kandaraki, Director of Endocrinologist-Diabetes, Endocrinology and Diabetes Health Department

"Do not Trust Without Asking the Expert"

Thyroid cancer appears to be one of the cancers, whose frequency is increasing throughout the world. There is a disagreement about whether this increase is real or is it the result of faster and more effective identification of small carcinomas. However, in any case, there is no doubt that more people will be diagnosed and treated for the last year in 2017 for thyroid cancer.

Below you will see 5 truths about thyroid cancer, which we all need to know.

1. Thyroid cancer may not be a symptom

In many cases of thyroid cancer, no particular symptoms appear, in fact, many of these have been mistakenly detected when imaging tests were performed for irrelevant reasons, then they were captured on the image of the suspected thyroid nodal.

When thyroid cancer is symptomatic, specific symptoms include swollen swelling or nodal, feeling fullness in the throat, voice gloss and difficulty in swallowing.

2. Small papillary thyroid carcinom may not require aggressive therapy

While the standard therapy of thyroid cancer involves total thyroiditis, after the administration of radioactive iodine, any thyroid tissue expert is involved in the debris, now experts claim that tiny tummy tumors can not be necessary for this whole treatment. is. In particular, a "follow-up and waiting" strategy is proposed for the Papillary "microcircinoma", while surgery is required, it can be treated with partial thyroactactimi (removal of a lump or thyroid gland) is.

3. Biopsy often does not give us all the necessary information

When a suspected thyroid is nodal, then the first step is to do exactly the needle biopsy (FNA) to find cancer cells. If the cancer is detected, then a thyroidectomy is planned. However, an FNA is not always diagnosed, and approximately 30% of nodules are called "undefined" or "obscure".

It means practically that cancer can not be excluded in these cases. Until recently, the doctor advised these patients to develop thyroidctomy. Of these 70-80%, the nodal is being eliminated and the patient has lost his thyroid and the necessary lifelong treatment

4. It is not necessary to stop hormonal replacement for scanning.

After the surgery and administration of radioactive iodine, patients of thyroid cancer should obtain hormone replacement therapy for thyroid hormones (T4, euterorox, thyrohormon, tiarist, etc.). In the past, from time to time, these patients have to stop their treatment, TSH has to wait to reach a very high level and to detect a possible recurrence of cancer, to go through a scandengraphy for weeks to severe And the symptoms of weak hypothyroidism have to be tolerated.

However, in recent years, with the administration of Theorogen, patients can move forward with a precise and effective scantigraphy, avoiding this difficult period of hypothyroidism.

5. Patients with thyroid cancer have a major risk of developing cancer

Although most types of thyroid cancer show significant survival rates, but many patients do not know that they have other primary cancers like salivary gland cancer, suffocation, stomach, small intestines, colon, bone, and hemorrhagic diseases. 30% more risk. . This risk is higher in the first year after treatment and in the next years.

Therefore, patients with thyroid cancer should be kept in mind and special attention should be taken to improve their health and to take all necessary precautions with the help of experts.

The Health Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes includes the addresses of all ages and the entire series of endocrinology. Among other things, thyroid gland disorder, metabolic bone disease, men and women reproductive disorders, adrenal and pituitary-hypothalamic verb congestion, all types of diabetes and metabolic and obesity issues are addressed.

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