2 leaks, 2.5 cm from white and green part, well washed and cut into thin slices
1/3 fl oz olive oil
1-3 black pepper or black pepper
2 large cloves of garlic, finely chopped
Cut 750 grams red pumpkin (or garlic pulp of green lemon), open and open, in cubes of 1 cm.
Half Flow dry white wine
3 fl chicken broth, no fat or water (or more)
1½ F Rice Arborio Thrace "Myele"
Salt and freshly ground black pepper until you want
2/3 pH powdered parmesan cheese
2/3 pH fresh coriander, chopped
1. In a large saucepan or large utensil, heat the oil and sow it for 6-8 minutes until they are tender.
2. Add black pepper, garlic and pumpkin. Soak all the ingredients together for 10-15 minutes, until their fluid evaporates.
3. Add alcohol and mix it occasionally.
Add about half a cup of water and reduce heat. Boil the pumpkin for another 10-15 minutes, until it becomes soft. (Up until this point, food may have been prepared several hours earlier)
5. 20 minutes before serving by us, pouring broth in a saucepan in very low heat.
6. The mixture of pumpkin heat and, as it begins to boil, stirring all the watermelons with a wooden spoon sometimes, to add rice, stirring.
7. Add half a cup of hot broth and boil the food, add persistent stirring and half cup broth as it is absorbed by the rice.
8. After about 15 minutes, try rice, which should be El Dainti.
9. Put salt and pepper.
10. Remove the risotto from the fire and add cheese, stirring well.
Serve risotto in hot soup recipes sprinkled with coriander.
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