The "heretic" psychologist Arthur Janev died who cured people with cries - 91 Vital


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Wednesday, 4 October 2017

The "heretic" psychologist Arthur Janev died who cured people with cries

He died in his sleep at his home in Malibo, California, at the age of 93, the American clinical psychologist and psychotherapist Arthur Tzanov, who became famous worldwide when he instituted the treatment of his patients in a novel way: he asked them to scream as long as possible deeply they could.

The charismatic Californian psychotherapist, a son of a butcher and a dulcer, born in Los Angeles in 1924 and raised in poverty, was considered a "messiah" by some who swore in his name.

-and are considered "faithful" of theorousan- also that treatment of "primary screaming" can cure everything from depression in alcoholism and drug addiction until stomach ulcers , the epilepsy , the hypertension and asthma - and on the path to bring global peace . As he wrote in 1975, "Primary consciousness is the only hope for mankind to survive, ending the wars."

Of course, the time when Dr. Janov, who had studied psychology at UCLA and initially practiced conventional psychotherapy for 20 years, before he innovated with the cry, became famous, it was the right time for challengers, pioneers and eccentric. It was the end of the 1960s , when the US and the rest of the world were chasing the utopia, they were fascinated by the revolt against oppressive society and overturned the well-established, including established psychoanalysis.

Janet's first book "The Primal Scream" was published in 1970 (later translated into Greek) and quickly transformed his writer into a celebrity and eminent guest on American television and radio shows, according to the New York Times.

Craving- inspired by a patient in 1967 , who began to scream and then felt much better -became popular in the 1970s, centered on the psychotherapeutic center that Janoff founded in Los Angeles. From this, among other things, they went on to ... to jolt John Lennon and Joko Ono , who, as they said, "artificially" exploited the new method in their music album "John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band".

The treatment usually lasted for one year and cost approximately $ 24,000 (today's value). As Janov said in an interview in 1971, healing is " the most important discovery of the 20th century ." Pianist Roger Williams, a Genoff healer, described him as "one of the five great men in history, along with Socrates, Galileo, Freud and Darwin . " Somehow, centers of "primary healing" sprang to other cities in the USA, Europe and so on.

According to Janov's theory, who wrote several books, all adult ribs stem from a "primary pain" that everyone has experienced already during the traumatic experience of childbirth and early childhood. This trauma can be treated with "primary cries" , preferably within a healing environment that helps the patient to return to his infancy (bears, dolls, swings, etc.). As Janov said, these cries sometimes "remind someone who is going to be murdered."

Janov always insisted that his treatment was much more than a "cure of cries". Indeed, he had predicted - unfortunately - that his treatment would make the other psychotherapy techniques unnecessary .

Other psychologists from the beginning had their doubts about the therapeutic value of Janov's theory and practice of emotional exoneration. They argued, on the one hand, that it was uncertain whether there was indeed the original "primary pain" and that there were never independent controlled clinical trials confirming the effectiveness of the new treatment.

Janov may not have freed Freud and other psychotherapies, but his method has survived to this day and continues to be provided to patients in the US by the Primal Institute (headed by his first wife) and by the Janov Primal Center.

But the psychotherapeutic establishment considers it rather marginal , if not pure, charlatanism, in the same category as crystal therapy or with the help of angels and extraterrestrials (which he would consider totally unacceptable). His last book in 2016, moreover, was entitled "Beyond Belief: Heresies, Healers, Mystics, and Gurus - Why We Believe".

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